A presentation at #cos18 by Eric Eggert
Accessibility & Multi-Screen Design Images Eric Eggert — Accessibility & Multi-Screen Design – #cos18
Disclaimer This course is not a W3C course. Views expressed are my own. Dies ist kein W3C-Kurs. Alle Ansichten sind meine Eigenen.
Overview ๏ Definitions ๏ The img element ๏ alt attribute ๏ srcset attribute for Display Density ๏ srcset attribute for Width Descriptions ๏ sizes attribute ๏ The picture element ๏ type attribute
5144×1698px ≧ 11 1024×768px monitors! 410kb
Samsung Galaxy J3 (2017) 720 x 1280 pixels (~294 ppi density) 9.5 phones needed to display the watch image at native resolution.
Two Main Use Cases for Responsive Images (More defined by RICG.)
Source: Use Cases and Requirements for Standardizing Responsive Images
The img element
The alt attribute The alternative text (alt) describes an image in a way that the purpose or content of the image is clear without seeing the image.
WAI Images Tutorial
Does the image contain text? ๏ Yes: ๏ … and the text in the image is also present as real text nearby. Use an empty alt attribute. See Decorative Images. ๏ … and the text is only shown for visual effects. Use an empty alt attribute. See Decorative Images. ๏ … and the text in the image is not present otherwise. Use the alt attribute to include the text of the image. See Images of Text. ๏ No: Continue.
Is the image used in a link or a button, and would it be hard or impossible to understand what the link or the button does, if the image wasn’t there? ๏ Yes: ๏ Use the alt attribute to communicate the destination of the link or action taken. See Functional Images. ๏ No: Continue.
Does the image contribute meaning to the current page or context? ๏ Yes: ๏ … and it’s a simple graphic or photograph. Use a brief description of the image in a way that conveys that meaning in the alt attribute. See Informative Images. ๏ … and it’s a graph or complex piece of information. Include the information contained in the image elsewhere on the page. See Complex Images. ๏ … and it shows content that is redundant to real text nearby. Use an empty alt attribute. See Functional Images. ๏ No: Continue.
Is the image purely decorative or not intended for the user? ๏ Yes: ๏ Use an empty alt attribute. See Decorative Images. ๏ No: ๏ End of tree.
Everything starts with an img element in responsive images.
When is it just a simple img element? ๏ A fixed width, single density web page ๏ Small differences in file size ๏ Using vector-based images like SVG
High Density Images
ppi = pixel per inch
iPhone 1, 3G, 3GS: 320×480px @ ~165ppi
iPhone 4 & 4s: 640×960px @ ~330ppi (=2×)
iPhone 5 & 5s: 640×1136px @ ~330ppi (=2×)
๏ iPhone 6, 6s, 7, 8: 750×1334px @ ~326ppi (=2×) ๏ iPhone 6 Plus, 6s Plus, 7 Plus, 8 Plus: 1080×1920px @ ~401ppi (=3×)
If we take our watch image and base it on a 320px width for 1x resolution, we’d come up with this: <img srcset=”watch.jpg, watch-2x.jpg watch-3x.jpg watch-4x.jpg watch-5x.jpg watch-6x.jpg watch-7x.jpg watch-8x.jpg watch-9x.jpg watch-10x.jpg watch-11x.jpg watch-12x.jpg watch-13x.jpg watch-14x.jpg watch-15x.jpg watch-16x.jpg 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x, 10x, 11x, 12x, 13x, 14x, 15x, 16x”>
Best for fixed-width images but insufficient for flexible images* *You remember that flexible images are a core principle of RWD, right?
srcset width descriptors
Browser picks the best source?! ๏ The browser determines the width of the image on the page ๏ calculates what size of image is needed and ๏ downloads that.
Of course it is not that easy!
Introducing: Prefetching ๏ Browsers fetch images before they know how the website actually looks to make the web faster. ๏ They fetch images before the CSS is loaded. ๏ So initially, every image is as wide as the viewport.
What to do?!
sizes FTW!
sizes is required (when using width descriptors)
We tell the browser how wide the image is in relationship to the viewport (or absolutely).
We also tell the browser when that relationship changes.
Media Conditions Subset of media queries: (max-width: 480px) or (min-width: 480px)
Size ๏ Often expressed in viewport width (vw) unit ๏ 1vw is 1% of the width of the viewport ๏ 33vw = 33% of the viewport ๏ Can also be px, em, % ๏ calc() can be used (for example for calculating margins)
Browser Support Source: Can I use… Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc
Polyfill: Picturefill Don’t use it unless you have to
<picture> <source media=”(min-width: 900px)” srcset=”cat-vertical.jpg”> <source media=”(min-width: 750px)” srcset=”cat-horizontal.jpg”> <img src=”cat.jpg” alt=”cat”> </picture> ๏ Picture Container Element ๏ Multiple Sources with media queries ๏ Srcset support ๏ Fallback <img> element (required)
media attribute = real media query media attribute is a directive, not a suggestion
<picture> <source srcset=”homepage-person@desktop.png, homepage-person@desktop-2x.png 2x” media=”(min-width: 990px)”> <source srcset=”homepage-person@tablet.png, homepage-person@tablet-2x.png 2x” media=”(min-width: 750px)”> <img srcset=”homepage-person@mobile.png, homepage-person@mobile-2x.png 2x” alt=”Shopify Merchant, Corrine Anestopoulos”> </picture> When the image was variable width instead of fixed width, width descriptors and sizes could have been used as well.
type attribute This attribute lets you assign different image formats.
Image Formats ๏ “Traditional”: PNG, GIF, JPG ๏ “Advanced” ๏ SVG ๏ WebP ๏ JPEG2000 ๏ HEIC
<picture> <source type=”image/svg+xml” srcset=”logo.xml”> <source type=”image/webp” srcset=”logo.webp”> <img src=”logo.png” alt=”ACME Corp”> </picture> Unless art direction, no media attribute needed.
Size JPEG 2000 JPEG-XR PNG WebP 320×240 2.0kB 22.6kB 55.2kB 112.1kB 600×450 13.5kB 48.5kB 14.3kB 26.6kB 1024×768 19.2kB 95.7kB 325.7kB 56.0kB
Source: Can I use… Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc
Polyfill: Picturefill Don’t use it unless you have to
For most responsive images: Don’t use picture.
Always use <img src=”…” alt=”…”> for basic support.
Use srcset & sizes to provide resolution and width dependent images.
Remember that picture locks in the choice, the media queries are not negotiable.
<picture> is for art direction or for using niche image formats
State 2019 ๏ ๏ ❌ ✅ Wide Browser Support Open Issues: image-set in CSS, responsive images in SVG, client hints
Source: Jason Grigsby – Responsive Images 101