Accessible Widgets 4/4 (Class)

A presentation at John Slatin AccessU 2016 in May 2016 in Austin, TX, USA by Eric Eggert

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Accessible Widgets Part IV Eric Eggert, Knowbility & W3C AccessU 2016, May 10th

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Eric Eggert G e r m a n y 2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 6 : W 3 C / W A I 2 0 1 6 – t o d a y : K n o w b i l i t y & W 3 C / W A I F e l l o w s h i p T r a n s l a I n g W C A G t o H u m a n .

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Times Day & Time Room Presenter Topics May 9th, 10:15-11:45 JBWS 165 Patrick Fox Focus management, Announcing dynamic content, Tool Ips, Modal dialogs, Dynamic table filtering and sorIng May 9th, 4:00-5:30 JBWS 163 Eric Eggert Date picker, Time field, Combo box, Progress bar May 10th, 10:15-11:45 JBWS 163 Eric Eggert Slider, Accordion, Tabs, Alerts May 10th, 2:15-3:45 JBWS 163 Patrick Fox Eric Eggert Wizard progress indicator, File selector and upload, Form validaIon, Search by locaIon, Dynamic applicaIon page elements and flow

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Wizard progress indicator, File selector and upload, Form valida=on, Search by loca=on, Dynamic applica=on page elements and flow

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User Experience

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To ARIA or not to ARIA?

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  1. If you can use a na=ve HTML5 element or aMribute with the seman=cs and behaviour you require already built in, instead of re-purposing an element and adding an ARIA role, state or property to make it accessible , then do so.

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  1. Do not change na=ve seman=cs, unless you really have to .

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<h1 role="button">

heading button</h1>

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All interac=ve ARIA controls must be usable with the keyboard.

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Example: I f using role=button the element must be able to receive focus and a user must be able to activate the action associated with the element using both the enter (on WIN OS) or return (MAC OS) and the space key.

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Do not use role="presenta=on" or aria-hidden="true" on a visible focusable element .

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All interac=ve elements must have an accessible name.

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Wizard progress indicator Example: h]ps://

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File selector and upload Example: h]p://

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Form valida5on h]p://

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Search by loca5on

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Dynamic applica5on page elements and flow

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Sources: • Font: Lato • Skull: Created by Andrew Cameron, from the Noun Project