Media Queries <video> <source src=”lowres.mp4” media=”max-width: 500px”> <source src=”highres.mp4”> </video>
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Interesting Attributes ๏ poster — displays an image when stopped ๏ controls – display start/stop/volume controls ๏ autoplay – starts the resource on load (don’t use!) ๏ loop – loops the media resource ๏ muted – starts muted
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On Autoplay
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Video Players SWS
“See what sucks” (
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Audio works the same way ๏ OGG (open, free) ๏ MP3 (proprietary)
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If the longest-running patent mentioned in the aforementioned references is taken as a measure, then the MP3 technology became patent-free in the United States on 16 April 2017 when U.S. Patent 6,009,399, held by and administered by Technicolor, expired.
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MP3 is supported by everything, everywhere, and is now patent-free.
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Both elements are completely scriptable. var video = document.getElementById(‘video’); var playpause = document.getElementById(‘playpause’); video.onpause = function(e) { playpause.value = ‘Play’; playpause.onclick = function(e) {; } } video.onplay = funtion(e) { playpause.value = ‘Pause’; playpause.onclick = function(e) { video.pause(); } }
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How to make Audio and Video accessible
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Transcript Good examples: The Web Ahead, TED – A Magna Carta for the web
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Captions Good example: TED – A Magna Carta for the web
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Use <track> for captions <video src=”foo.ogv”> <track kind=”captions” label=”English captions” src=”subtitles_en.vtt” srclang=”en” default> </track> <track kind=”captions” label=”Deutsche Untertitel” src=”subtitles_de.vtt” srclang=”de”> </track> </video> 2
More information @
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WebVTT WEBVTT FILE railroad 00:00:10.000 —> 00:00:12.500 Left uninspired by the crust of railroad earth manuscript 00:00:13.200 —> 00:00:16.900 that touched the lead to the pages of your manuscript.